Thursday, 13 October 2011

Analysing opening scenes - Teen Drama

These are the opening scenes of teen drama that i am analysing:
All these progamas come under the same sub genre, however skins and the inbetweeners are very simular and E20 is different in  regards to the ways it uses mise-en-scene, location, camerawork and sound.  

Mise en scene
In the opening scene of the inbetweeners, mise en scene is used to suggest the main character in the scene is a stereotypical teenage boy by the setting and props in the scene.  For example, the props we see on the desk beside the bedroom door includes a computer, a tall pile of CD's, and deodorant. These are just normal things any teenage boy would have in there room and are connotations that he is too just a stereotypical teenage boy. For instance a deodorant is used because teenage boys are said to smell, CD's because a stereotypical teenager is said to listen to a lot of music, often used to block out the noise of the parents and a computer  because teenagers ,especially boys, are stereotypically thought to live in front of a screen. The clothes he is wearing also add to the stereotype because is wearing jeans and a hoodie, which teenager are stereotyped for always wear.
The mise on scene on the opening scenes on skins comunicates to the veiwers that the main character is imature by the clothes she is wearing and the way she acts. She's wearing a  baggy pink pyjama t-shirt, of which the pink colour connotates that she is like a little girl.
The mise on scene in E20 is quite different to the other two teen dramas. The first thing we see is the teenagers wearing green jumpsuits which immediatly informs the veiwers that they are involved in some sort of comunity service, which is considered as quite a mature thing to be taking part in. But this is then contrasted when the other two teenagers enter the scene with the prop of a large inflatable toy and live up to teenagers stereotype of being mischeivious and not oing as they are told.

One of the similarities between the opening scenes of The Inbetweeners and Skins is that they both have some kind of help to understand what was going on, if someone has missed the previous episodes. The Inbetweeners has a commentary at the start of the episode, and Skins runs a clip to show what has previously happend on skins. E20 doesn't have of these. Another difference between the two opening scenes is the type of conversation the characters partake in during the scene. In E20 the conversation is focussed on helping the community, which is quite mature and sophisticated. Whereas the conversation in The Inbetweeners and Skins opening scenes were focused on teenage love and sex, which is quite a stereotypical teenage topics.

The non diegetic sound in the opening scenes of both Skins and The Inbetweeners is music modern music which introduces the scene. E20 also introduces the scene with modern music but this music is faded into the scene to become diegetic.

The location in both The Inbetweeners and Skins is in a teenagers bedroom, which is an intimate setting and makes the veiwer feel more connected to the characters. Whereas in opening scene of E20 is set in the street, which is less intimate so the audience doesn't feel as close a connection between themselves and the characters.


In the opening scene of the inbetweeners, it starts with a close up of the two characters kissing, this is a intimate moment between the two characters and the camera shot makes us feel connected with the charaecters. 
The very first shot we see in the opening scene in Skins is an arial shot which zooms into the main character, which not only communicates to the audience that she is the main character for this episode but it also allows the audience to feel like their becoming closer to her not only in the distance of the shot but also in terms of relationship, which helps the audience to feel connected to the character.
The opening scene of E20 starts with alot of establishing shots that quickly cut to a different camera shot, so it doesn't stay focused on anything for too long. It's different from the shots in Skins and The Inbetweeners because it doesn't immediately tell the audience which character will be the focus of the episode, and therefore doesn't allow the audience the build a closer relationship with this character in order to sympathise and understand their story further.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Scene character analysis

Eastenders clip - Phil and Max scare Ian

In this scene Phil and Max scare Ian by pretending to threaten him with a gun but instead its a car tool. the two sets of characters are represented in very different ways by the costumes they wear,there voices, editing and camera angles. Max and Phil are portrayed as the bad guys and bullies, whereas Ian is portrayed as a small, weak victim. Phil and Max are wearing black clothes and gloves which are associated with criminals and gives the veiwer negaative impressions on the characters. This is a contrast to Ian, who is wearing a light blue T-shirt which subconsiously suggests he is more feminine that the two other men. The camera angles that are used to film the scene emply representations of the characters, for example; when the camera is at Phil and Max its at a low angle which suggests that they are strong, powerful. But when the camera is on Ian its at a high angle to make him appear weak and insignificant.